Are American Business Qualifications Recognised in Australia?

Are you considering leaving the US in your rearview mirror to build a new life in Australia? Have you already made the move but realised many of your qualifications don't translate? You might be worried about whether your American business qualifications will be recognised in Australia.
Recognition of Prior Learning
For the most part, American business qualifications are recognised. There are exceptions; for the most part, the qualification will not be recognised if it is incomplete or was a short course that took less than a year to complete. For example, if you received a diploma from a community college, it's unlikely to be recognised.
Different government bodies assess different qualifications. If you are migrating for trade purposes, it's up to Trades Recognition Australia to assess your qualifications. Every state has different standards, so it's important to factor that in when you evaluate whether your qualifications will be recognised.
Luckily, there are options for you to establish yourself as a more serious candidate. One of the best ways to do that is by pursuing Advanced Standing from a Registered Trained Organisation.
Advanced Standing is Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), it's a way for you to formalise your experience and learning into tangible evidence that Australian employers will understand. So, you don't need to worry about explaining what it all means at every interview you attend, and they are nationally recognised, which means you can move without worrying about whether your qualifications count.
Get Nationally Recognised Australian Qualifications
If your qualifications aren't recognised or you have trouble putting them in Australian terms, then Recognition of Prior Learning courses are a great place to establish your experience and provide you with evidence of the learning and experience you have.
It's faster, cheaper, and easier to get an Australian qualification by taking RPL Courses designed to capitalise and evidence your prior learning and experience. RPL Courses are recognised Australia-wide, so there's no need to worry about making moving interstate. It can also smooth the way for your migration plans, bolstering your application.
RPL courses include various business options, whether you need to prove your bona fides for marketing communications, quality auditing, human resources, compliance, project management, or procurement.
With so many courses to choose from and affordable prices, it's a no-brainer for Americans looking to make the move. It also highlights a willingness and tenacity to learn the ins and outs of the Australian business industry.