Australia’s leading employer organisations continue to urge the government to go back to the drawing board on its proposed workplace relations reforms, rather than tinkering at the edges of poorly drafted legislation.

What we are seeing now is simply an attempt at trying to patch a sinking boat with a post it note.

We are unconvinced that reported changes by the government will fix what is a fundamentally flawed bill.

We are yet to see any detail and there remains significant unanswered questions regarding what is reportedly proposed by the government.

We encourage the government to listen to the genuine concerns of businesses large and small, that the proposed Fair Work Amendment (Closing the Loopholes) Bill 2023 will ultimately drive up business costs which will hit Australian households in the middle of a cost of living crisis.

This extremely complex legislation covers issues from casual employment, to labour hire, independent contractors and subcontractors, gig workers and increased union powers, impacting businesses of all sizes right across the economy.

The increased red tape and significant compliance costs that will be borne by small businesses has not been modelled or properly considered.

There is insufficient evidence to support such drastic and unwarranted legislative changes.

Ad hoc amendments will simply add to the complexity, not address it, and will make it harder for businesses to employ workers.


Joint statement from:

Business Council of Australia
Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Australian Energy Producers
Australian Industry Group
Council of Small Business Organisations Australia
Master Builders Australia
Minerals Council of Australia
National Farmers Federation
Recruitment, Consulting & Staffing Association
Restaurant and Catering Industry Association
Australian Resources Energy and Employer Association